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Halloween Delights III call for submissions

This fall Charlie Cummings Gallery will host Halloween Delights III.

This exhibition will feature both invited artists and artists via submissions. Halloween has deep roots in European Pagan and Christian traditions. To some it’s a harvest festival, to others a day to attend church and light candles on the graves of the dead. It’s a day of play and a day of reverence. It’s a day of memento mori and of flirtation with dread. Halloween as a secular holiday in the US brings joy to so many. Parents toil over special handmade costumes for their children or find a ready-made costume of a favorite superhero, animal, or whatever most inspires their child that year. Children roam the neighborhood cloaked in make-believe, gathering candy from friends and neighbors who open their doors to them. Adults attend costume parties. People decorate their homes inside and out with gourds, pumpkins, spiderwebs, inflatable beasts, spooky lights, and animatronic characters. Families carve jack-o-lanterns together or tell ghost stories. Here in Florida people decorate their yards with devilmingos, zombiemingos, or other fine Florida kitsch. People party at bonfires or go to bed early, stuffed with sugary treats. All kinds ceramic sculpture and pottery are welcome. Please submit exactly 4 works. Please do not submit works that are intended to be sold as one item/as a set. We welcome submissions from both national and international artists.


We invite artists to submit exactly 4 vessels or sculptures or a mix of each (for a total of exactly 4 works) that explore Halloween and are the exact works you would send for the show if accepted. Show us your black cats, your ghouls, your ghosts, your jack-o-lanterns. Depict things you love about fall harvest season or Halloween, from the rusty autumn leaves to the trick-or-treaters out and about with their bags of candy and light in their eyes. For many, Halloween is one of those magical holidays, so let your imagination play. Please do not send sets (more than one piece intended to be sold together as one item) and do not send anything that measures less than 2 inches or more than 18 inches in any dimension without prior approval. Please do not send wall-mounted work, hanging work, lamps, or jewelry.


To submit your Halleween Delights for consideration for this exhibition, please email the following to by midnight Eastern, Friday, June 14, 2024 with Halloween Delights III in the subject line:

Part 1 - In the body of the email include:
1. Your full contact information including email, telephone, and website address.
2. A guide to the images you submit with title, type of clay, type of firing, forming process, dimensions, and retail price. Please identify the entries using the naming format listed below.

Part 2 - Attachments:
1. Four (4) medium resolution images of the 4 actual works you would like to send for the exhibition. Named using the following format- LastnameFirstname_01.jpg, LastnameFirstname_02.jpg... Please note capitalization. No detail shots please. Do not send zip files.
2. Your resume or CV in PDF format.

There is no fee associated with this call for submissions.
Please read carefully. Incomplete or incorrect submissions will not be considered.

Exhibition calendar and details:
June 14 Midnight Eastern – Submission deadline
July 1 – Notifications sent
August 1 – Work Ship-by Deadline
August 8 – Work due at gallery
September 10 – Show opens online at noon Eastern
September 30 – Sold work turned off on website
September 10-October 31Halloween Delights III online
July 2025 – Unsold work returned

Artist pays shipping and insurance for shipment to gallery and for return of unsold work.
Gallery insures cups while on the premises.
Gallery actively advertises and promotes the exhibition.
Gallery takes a 50% commission on all sales. All work in this exhibition must be for sale. Gallery does not pay artists with paper checks. We use a reputable bank transfer service, and all participating artists will be required to provide our online servicer information in order to receive payment.

Send questions (not submissions) to, or call 352-514-8821.


Portfolio Submissions

Ceramic artists who would like for their work to be considered for inclusion in group exhibitions, features, and solo exhibitions may submit a portfolio including the following:

Cover Letter, CV, 15-20 images of artwork (Named using the following format- LastnameFirstname_01.jpg, LastnameFirstname_02.jpg...,) A guide to the images you submit with title, type of clay, type of firing, forming process, dimensions (H x W x D,) and retail prices, and full contact information including email, telephone, website address, and how we can find you on social media to:


If your website includes ALL of the information requested above, send a cover letter and the link to your website to:

Send questions (not submissions) to, or call 352-514-8821.

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